Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Not Dead Yet, McKinney Closes the Gap

Reports of her political demise may have been premature. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, after a fiery debate with run-off opponent Hank Johnson on Monday saw a bump in the most recent poll

In a InsiderAdvantage/Majority Opinion Poll survey released yesterday McKinney found herself down to former DeKalb County Commissioner Johnson by 15 points with 17% undecided. That is change of 10 points for McKinney, who was down by 25 points in last weeks poll. The bad news for the Congresswoman is that Johnson stands at 49% and saw a small increase himself compared to the last poll(

The two face off Tuesday in a run-off for the nomination of the Democratic Party in Georgia's fourth Congressional district. The winner will face GOP choice Catherine Davis.


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