Ford Leads in Tennessee...According to Ford
An internal poll conduced for US Senate candidate Harold Ford, Jr. shows the Congressman from Memphis leading his Republican opponent by two points (
The poll, conducted by Benenson Strategy Group, also shows Ford with a 55% favorable rating compared to GOP nominee and Chattanooga Mayor Bob Corker's 48%.
The survey is not necessarily out of step with other independent polls that showed Ford trailing Corker by 4 to 6 points.
Internal polls are used constantly by candidates to track the impact of recent ads, momentum and news stories.
The poll, conducted by Benenson Strategy Group, also shows Ford with a 55% favorable rating compared to GOP nominee and Chattanooga Mayor Bob Corker's 48%.
The survey is not necessarily out of step with other independent polls that showed Ford trailing Corker by 4 to 6 points.
Internal polls are used constantly by candidates to track the impact of recent ads, momentum and news stories.
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