Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Mixed News for Patrick in Massachusetts

After cruising along for the past several months with a lead in the Democratic primary for Governor of Massachusetts former US Assistant Attorney General Deval Patrick is now behind in one poll and clinging to a 4 point lead in another

In the 7 News-Suffolk University Poll Patrick trails venture capitalist Chris Gabrieli by 8 points but leads presumptive GOP nominee Lt. Governor Kerry Healey in a general election match-up 38% to 30%. Gabrieli's lead is the first of the campaign season and comes on the heals of a recent barrage of television ads.

Despite those ads a SurveyUSA poll released yesterday however, shows Patrick with a 4 point lead over Gabrieli and the other candidate Attorney General Tom Reilly. The margin of error in the poll is 4.8% meaning this race in their view is a dead heat.

The race, despite leads by Patrick in the double digits through the summer and spring, was bound to be close and with the primary scheduled for September 19 the race certainly is tightening.


Blogger Unknown said...

Patrick is still likely to win the 9/19 primary; in response to Gabrieli's recent poll surge, Patrick's supporters have intensified their demonization of the candidate, strongly pushing the idea that Gabrieli is nothing more than a Rich White Male trying to "buy" the election, and that Patrick is the more "authentic" Democrat choice. It's a strange strategy (Patrick is himself a multimillionaire, just with less money than Gabrieli), but it seems like it'll be effective.

4:26 AM  

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