Thursday, November 02, 2006

PA - Swann Getting His Black On ...

Here's PA Republican Gubernatorial candidate Lynn Swann getting his Black on a dollar short and months late:

For the first time, Lynn Swann has interjected the issue of race in his quest to unseat Gov. Rendell and become Pennsylvania's first black governor.
In ads on three black radio stations in Philadelphia, the Republican accuses Rendell of distorting his record, and contends that it isn't the first time the governor has attacked an African American politician.

"For too long now," the ad says, "career politicians like Ed Rendell have taken us for granted. Remember how Ed Rendell attacked Mayor Goode by calling him a liar, incompetent, deceitful?... Now he's doing the same thing to another African American, Lynn Swann. It's time to stand up."

Still, Swann failed to accept an invitation by the Philadelphia Tribune's editorial board to discuss his platform. Too many White Republican operatives running his campaign? What's funny is that ultra-conservative Republican Sen. Rick Santorum (PA), currently in a fight for his political life with former PA Treasurer Bob Casey, Jr. (D), actually showed up for his Tribune invitation and left a respectful impression.

More from the Inquirer:

Many Republicans had hoped Swann could woo African American voters away from Rendell, particularly in the governor's home base of Philadelphia. But in a Temple University/Philadelphia Inquirer Poll last month, 92 percent of black voters said they would vote for Rendell, with 6 percent supporting Swann.

Nuff said.


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